Your Purpose Lights Your Path

Transformation is painful. Instead of feeling as if you are coming together, you may fear you’re coming apart. When I retrace the footprints of the life-altering events of my own life, the thresholds they provided for healing, growth and personal development are in plain view. At the time though, I was without the benefit of the 20/20 vision honed by hindsight. Knowing your life’s purpose, however, does provide a powerful invisible, interior compass and flashlight.
When you find yourself in the dark, purpose helps light the way. It connects you with something meaningful outside of yourself. It focuses you. In chaotic and painful times, purpose motivates you to keep moving beyond your current circumstances.
Where there is purpose, passion is not far behind. The combination of the two working together in your life allows you to start each day with gratitude, hope and a plan. Everyone has a different “why.” The trick is to determine the “why” that fits your values and talents. The advantages of knowing your life purpose are compelling:
Knowing your purpose makes life simpler. When you’re not clear on your purpose, it’s hard to make effective decisions. When you know your purpose and live it each day, life has the opportunity to be more enjoyable. It helps you to overcome your fears and doubts, and better position you to pursue your bliss and fulfill your mission in life.
It enhances your passion for life. Spending your day on the things that are most important and meaningful to you will release your passion. Passion is the enthusiasm, energy and awe we felt as children embarking on new adventures and discoveries. When you are able to envision a promising future and are highly motivated, you become unstoppable.
It makes you part of something bigger than yourself. You’ll have sense of certainty that’s both assuring and centering. You know you have a chance to make a meaningful contribution to the world, and make a positive difference in the lives of others.
It’s impossible to find your purpose without a degree of self-reflection. Asking the right questions is the key to us finding the answers we seek. When you ask yourself questions, it’s imperative you wait and listen to the answers. The responses you receive can be very subtle and quiet. Keep an open mind. It is helpful to record your answers. Here are a few questions to get you started.
If you only had a year to live, how would you spend it? With the clock ticking, we’re much more able to focus on the important stuff and let everything else go.
2. How do you want others to remember you? What would you like your obituary to say? How would you like your children, friends, and other family members to remember you?
3. What did you love to do as a child that you no longer do? As children, we’re quite clear about what we like and don’t like. In addition, younger children aren’t concerned with the perceptions of others. We do things solely because we like them when we’re 6-years old. What have you given up over the years?
Just remember, if you honor your purpose and passion, everything else will fall into place.